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As fotos de pets mais engraçadas (e premiadas) que você vai ver hoje

O concurso Comedy Pet Center reuniu as fotos finalistas de pet mais engraçadas do mundo, e tem representantes brasileiros, tá?

Por Mavi Faria Atualizado em 29 out 2024, 15h49 - Publicado em 14 Maio 2024, 17h14

ão é segredo para ninguém que um bichinho melhora muito nosso humor e vida, né? Agora, já parou para pensar em eternizar aquele momento muito engraçado do seu pet em uma foto, e ainda ficar entre as imagens mais engraçadas do mundo?

É o que acontece no Comedy Pet Photography Awards, uma competição de fotos de animais de estimação engraçadas que anunciou as fotos finalistas de 2024. Das 30 imagens de gatos, cachorros, cavalos, hamsters e até tartarugas, duas delas são de animais brasileiros: um cavalo e um cachorro.

The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 David Kertzman cavalo Rio de Janeiro Brazil Title: What am I thinking ? Description: A little shake of the head and... where is everyone? I was lucky enough to click at the exact moment the head disappeared. Animal: Horse Location of shot: Xerém - Rio de Janeiro
A foto desse cavalo foi tirada no Rio de Janeiro por David Kertzman. David Kertzman/Comedy Pet Photo/Divulgação
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Luiza Ribeiro de Oliveira Belo Horizonte Brazil Title: Grumpy Dog Description: Meet Nick Barry, a 5-year-old yorkie with a special talent for hilarius expressions. This may not be his most flattering photo, but that frown is undeniably captivating - a true portrait of a dog who doesn't need smiles to win our hearts. Animal: Yorkshire Terrier Location of shot: Brazil
Já este cachorrinho é de Belo Horizonte, e a foto foi tirada por Luiza Ribeiro. Luiza Ribeiro de Oliveira/Comedy Pet Center/Divulgação
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O vencedor do concurso vai levar 100 libras, cerca de R$ 645, e o anúncio da foto ganhadora será divulgado no dia 6 de junho. Até lá, o que não falta são fotos de bichinhos em posições ou situações engraçadas.

Confira algumas das fotos finalistas que mais roubaram nossos corações.

The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Lock Liu Chengdu China, People's Republic of Title: It’s time to get up Description: Every morning, my dog wakes me up by lying on my chest until I open my eyes. Animal: cocker spaniel Location of shot: chengdu china
“Está na hora de levantar”. Lock Liu/Comedy Pet Center/Divulgação
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Kenichi Morinaga gato Fukuoka Japan Title: Cat in a trap. Like a Super Mario. Description: Cat in a trap it looks like video game Super Mario world. Animal: cat Location of shot: Fukuoka Japan
“Gato em uma armadilha, como o Super Mario”. Kenichi Morinaga/Comedy Pet Center/Divulgação
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Sarah Haskell cachorro Baldock United Kingdom Title: Not Just For Cats Description: Hector saw the cat do thought he would give it a try ....and this is about as far as he got before reversing out the way he came. But the cat made it look so easy...... Animal: Dog Location of shot: Wheathampstead, Herts, Englan
“Não só para gatos”. Sarah Haskell/Comedy Pet Photo/Divulgação
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The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Alina Vogel hamster Gifhorn Germany Title: Sun lover Description: This is Freddie, he was my first Hamster and probably the most photogenic ever. Freddie died recently and that's the last honor I want to pay my little friend Animal: Goldhamster Location of shot: His lovely Cage at home:)
“Amante do sol”. Alina Vogel/Comedy Pet Center/Divulgação
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Emma Beardsmore Penkridge United Kingdom Title: Nosey Neighbours Description: These are my 2 cats during Covid Lockdown. They are spying on the neighbours who are breaking rules!! 'Lets act like Meerkats; they'll never know its us' Animal: Bluebell who is a Tonkinese & Simba, a snowbengal Location of shot: in my back garden
“Vizinhos curiosos”. Emma Beardsmore/Comedy Pet Center/Divulgação
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Atsuyuki Ohshima Kameoka Japan Title: Kitty in the kitchen Description: He stayed at there as if one of a kitchen tool. Animal: Cat Location of shot: Japan
“Gatinho na cozinha”. Atsuyuki Ohshima/Comedy Pet Center/Divulgação
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Philippa Huber Crewkerne United Kingdom Title: 'It's Behind You!' Description: Shelby, my sister's Cockapoo, absolutely loves chasing bubbles...she doesn't always get their location right, but she still jumps all over the place for them! Animal: Shelby, Cockapoo Location of shot: Bridport, UK
“Está atrás de você”. Philippa Huber/Comedy Pet Center/Divulgação
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The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Silvia Jiang London United Kingdom Title: who are you Description: loki and a lion Animal: loki Location of shot: beijing china
“Quem é você”. Silvia Jiang/Comedy Pet Center/Divulgação
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Bernard Sim Singapore Singapore Title: Peek-a-boo Description: Look ma, no eyes! Animal: Golden Doodle Location of shot: Singapore
“Pekaboo”. Bernard Sim/Comedy Pet Center/Divulgação
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Jonathan Casey Wymondham United Kingdom Title: New Rose Description: Edgar loves to eat flowers, and her favourites are dandelions for spring, snapdragons for summer and here she can be seen gobbling as whole Gertrude Jekyll rose last September. We grow them for her and as she is elderly we handfeed her, sometimes snapping her in between bites as you can see... Animal: Edgar (Mediterranean spur thighed tortoise) Location of shot: Wymondham, Norfolk, UK
“Rosa nova”. Jonathan Casey/Comedy Pet Center/Divulgação
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Vittorio Ricci Genova Italy Title: Belly dancer style Description: My long hair turtle cat believes to be perfectly camouflaged for an ambush Animal: My long hair turtle cat Location of shot: Genova, Italy
“O estilo da Belly”. Vittorio Ricci/Comedy Pet Center/Divulgação
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Imagem de um cachorro marrom poodle pulando.
“Eu acredito que posso voar”. Julie Smith/Comedy Pet Center/Divulgação
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Anna Petró Budapest Hungary Title: Dog with Yellow Background Description: At sunset, I was walking in a town in Hungary, when I saw this dog with a unique 'personality'. The lights were harsh and yellow, the look of the dog was priceless. Animal: Dog Location of shot: Hungary
“Sério!!!!”. Anna Petró/Comedy Pet Center/Divulgação
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Debby Thomas Manakin Sabot United States Title: I think I saw a mouse!! Description: This beautiful and athletic gelding loves to try to fly off the ground! This is one of the series of leaps he performs. Animal: Horse Location of shot: Virginia, USA
“Eu acho que vi um rato”. Debby Thomas/Comedy Pet Center/Divulgação
The Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2024 Atsuyuki Ohshima gato Kameoka Japan Title: Hard worker Description: They give their all in every situation. Animal: Cat Location of shot: Home
“Trabalhadores pesados”. Atsuyuki Ohshima/Comedy Pet Center/Divulgação

E aí, qual foto você mais gostou?

