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O príncipe George está muito fofo nestas novas fotos da família real

O príncipe completa seis anos nesta segunda-feira (22)

Por Gabriela Zocchi 21 jul 2019, 19h42
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  • O príncipe George completa seis anos nesta segunda-feira (22) e, como é tradição, a família real divulgou novas fotos do futuro Rei da Grã-Bretanha! As imagens foram feitas pela mamãe Kate Middleton e mostram o pequeno brincando na grama do jardim de sua casa, o Palácio de Kensington.

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    🦁🦁🦁 Happy Birthday Prince George! The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very pleased to share new photographs of Prince George to mark His Royal Highness's sixth birthday. This photograph was taken recently in the garden of their home at Kensington Palace by The Duchess of Cambridge. Thank you everyone for all your lovely messages!

    A post shared by Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (@kensingtonroyal) on

    “O duque e a duquesa de Cambridge estão muito felizes em dividir essas novas fotos do príncipe George para marcar o sexto aniversário de Sua Alteza Real. Obrigado a todos pelas mensagens amáveis”, disseram representantes de Kate e príncipe William.

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    🎂 Happy Birthday Prince George! The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very pleased to share new photographs of Prince George to mark His Royal Highness's sixth birthday. This photograph was taken on holiday with the family by The Duchess of Cambridge. Thank you everyone for all your lovely messages!

    A post shared by Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (@kensingtonroyal) on

    Que gracinha, né? Esse é o olhar de quem sabe que é da realeza! Rs.

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    🎈⚽️ Happy Birthday Prince George! The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very pleased to share new photographs of Prince George to mark His Royal Highness's sixth birthday. This photograph was taken recently in the garden of their home at Kensington Palace by The Duchess of Cambridge. Thank you everyone for all your lovely messages!

    A post shared by Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (@kensingtonroyal) on

    Quem aí curtiu as fotos?

