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Rainha Elizabeth II vai parar de usar roupas feitas com pele de animal

Peças de pele verdadeira não entrarão mais no guarda-roupa da monarca

Por Sofia Duarte Atualizado em 7 nov 2019, 20h17 - Publicado em 7 nov 2019, 14h15

Depois de várias marcas e celebridades aderirem à moda vegana, chegou a vez de rainha Elizabeth II parar de usar novas roupas feitas com peles verdadeiras de animal.

O anúncio foi feito por Angela Kelly, designer e assistente pessoal da monarca, em seu livro The Other Side Of The Coin (O Outro Lado da Moeda): “Se Sua Majestade participar de um evento em clima frio, a partir de 2019, pele de animal falsa será usada para garantir que ela permaneça aquecida”, escreveu.

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Angela Kelly has worked with The Queen and walked the corridors of the Royal Household for twenty-five years, initially has Her Majesty's Personal Advisor and Curator (The Queen's Jewellery, Insignias and Wardrobe) and In-house Designer. As the first person in history to hold this title, she shares a uniquely close working relationship with The Queen. In The Other Side of the Coin, The Queen has personally given Angela her blessing to share their extraordinary bond with the world. Whether it's preparing for a formal occasion or brightening Her Majesty's day with a playful joke, Angela's priority is to serve and support. Sharing never-before-seen photographs – many from Angela's own private collection – and charming anecdotes of their time spent together, this revealing book provides memorable insights into what it's like to work closely with The Queen, to curate her wardrobe and to discover a true and lasting connection along the way. . . . #angelakelly #thequeen #publication #royal #royalhousehold #hmtq #thequeenswardrobe #photographs #fashion #buckinghampalaceshop #newin #uncover #curator #rct #theothersideofthecoin |

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No entanto, isso não significa que a rainha vai se desfazer das peças que já tem e que são feitas de pele de animal verdadeira, ou seja, elas vão continuar aparecendo em suas produções. O que muda é que, a partir de agora, quando novos produtos forem criados para Elizabeth II, toda pele usada será falsa.

De acordo com o The Telegraph, a decisão foi elogiada por Claire Bass, diretora-executiva da Humane Society International: “A decisão da rainha Elizabeth de abandonar novas peças feitas de pele de animal é o perfeito reflexo do comportamento do público britânico, formado por uma maioria que detesta crueldade animal e não quer ter nada a ver com isso.”

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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has ditched fur! The fur-free move was announced by Angela Kelly, Her Majesty’s personal advisor and senior dresser, in an interview with Vogue magazine. Kelly told Vogue, “If Her Majesty is due to attend an engagement in particularly cold weather, from 2019 onwards fake fur will be used to make sure she stays warm." Here at HSI/UK we are thrilled that Her Majesty has officially gone fur-free. Our Head of State refusing to wear fur sends a powerful message that fur is firmly out of fashion and does not belong with Brand Britain. The UK banned fur farming almost two decades ago because it was deemed too cruel to be allowed, so now it's time to ban its sale too. We are calling on the British government to follow Her Majesty’s example and make the UK the first country in the world to ban the sale of animal fur. #FurFreeBritian #royal #royalfamily #royalty #fashion #queen #royals #london #britishroyalfamily #monarchy #kensingtonpalace

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Rainha Elizabeth II se tornou a primeira pessoa da realeza a substituir oficialmente a pele de animal verdadeira pela falsa. 

